
JuliaGrid is a fast, flexible, and easy-to-use open-source tool for analyzing and modifying power system configurations and measurement data. It represents a comprehensive framework for steady-state power system analysis written in the Julia programming language. The framework is available as a Julia package under MIT License. JuliaGrid is primarily designed for researchers and academics, providing various state-of-the-art algorithms.

The framework's architecture centres around code-reusability paradigm, allowing users a high level of customization for their experiments. To simplify, the overall logic for setting the experiments and its analysis can be as follows:

  • Users define a power system with/without measurement data.
  • Users select between the AC or DC model.
  • Users define the specific type of required analysis.
  • Finally, they solve the generated power system model.

Installation Guide

JuliaGrid is compatible with Julia version 1.9 and later. To get started with JuliaGrid, users should first install Julia and consider using a code editor for a smoother coding experience. For detailed instructions, please consult the Installation Guide.

To get the JuliaGrid package installed, execute the following Julia command:

import Pkg

Documentation Structure

JuliaGrid documentation consists of three main parts:

  • The manual provides users with guidance on how to use available functions, its return values, and offers instructions for modifying power system configurations, measurement data, and other user specific analysis.
  • The tutorials delve deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of state-of-the-art algorithms, allowing users to gain an in-depth understanding of the equations used in various functions.
  • API references offer a comprehensive list of objects, functions and methods within the package, categorised according to specific use-cases.

Getting Started

Below, we have provided a list of exhaustive examples in order to ease users in getting started with the JuliaGrid package. These examples highlight some of the functionalities that the framework offers.

AC Power Flow

using JuliaGrid

system = powerSystem("case14.h5")          # Build the power system model
acModel!(system)                           # Create matrices and vectors for the AC model

analysis = newtonRaphson(system)           # Build the power flow model
for iteration = 1:10                       # Begin the iteration loop
    stopping = mismatch!(system, analysis) # Compute power mismatches
    if all(stopping .< 1e-8)               # Check if the stopping criterion is met
        println("Solution Found.")         # Output message indicating convergence
        break                              # Stop iterations if the criterion is met
    solve!(system, analysis)               # Compute voltage magnitudes and angles
power!(system, analysis)                   # Compute powers within the power system
current!(system, analysis)                 # Compute currents within the power system

printBusData(system, analysis)             # Print data related to buses

DC Power Flow

using JuliaGrid

@power(MW, MVAr, MVA)                    # Specify the power units for input data
system = powerSystem("case14.h5")        # Build the power system model
dcModel!(system)                         # Create matrices and vectors for the DC model

analysis = dcPowerFlow(system)           # Build the power flow analysis
solve!(system, analysis)                 # Compute voltage angles

@generator(active = 20)                  # Define the template for generators
addGenerator!(system, analysis; bus = 1) # Add the new generator to the power system
solve!(system, analysis)                 # Recompute voltage angles with the updated model

printBusSummary(system, analysis)        # Print a summary of data related to buses

AC Optimal Power Flow

using JuliaGrid, Ipopt

system = powerSystem("case14.h5")              # Build the power system model
acModel!(system)                               # Create matrices and vectors for the AC model

analysis = acOptimalPowerFlow(system, Ipopt.Optimizer) # Build the optimal power flow model
solve!(system, analysis)                       # Compute generator powers and bus voltages
current!(system, analysis)                     # Compute currents within the power system

@branch(resistance = 0.01, reactance = 0.2)    # Define the new template for branches
addBranch!(system, analysis; from = 1, to = 5) # Add the new branch to the power system
solve!(system, analysis)                       # Recompute solutions with the updated model

DC Optimal Power Flow

using JuliaGrid, HiGHS

system = powerSystem("case14.h5") # Build the power system model
dcModel!(system)                  # Create matrices and vectors for the DC model

analysis = dcOptimalPowerFlow(system, HiGHS.Optimizer) # Build the optimal power flow model
solve!(system, analysis)          # Compute generator powers and bus voltages
power!(system, analysis)          # Compute active powers within the power system

printBranchData(system, analysis) # Print data related to branches

AC State Estimation

using JuliaGrid

system = powerSystem("case14.h5")            # Build the power system model
device = measurement("measurement14.h5")     # Build the measurement model
acModel!(system)                             # Create matrices and vectors for the AC model

analysis = gaussNewton(system, device)       # Build the state estimation model
for iteration = 1:20                         # Begin the iteration loop
    stopping = solve!(system, analysis)      # Compute estimate of voltages
    if stopping < 1e-8                       # Check if the stopping criterion is met
        println("Solution Found.")           # Output message indicating convergence
        break                                # Stop iterations if the criterion is met
power!(system, analysis)                     # Compute active powers within the power system

printWattmeterData(system, device, analysis) # Print data related to wattmeters

PMU State Estimation

using JuliaGrid

system = powerSystem("case14.h5")        # Build the power system model
device = measurement("measurement14.h5") # Build the measurement model
acModel!(system)                         # Create matrices and vectors for the AC model

analysis = pmuStateEstimation(system, device) # Build the state estimation model
solve!(system, analysis)                 # Compute estimate of voltages

updatePmu!(system, device, analysis; label = "To 1", angle = 0.0) # Update phasor measurement
solve!(system, analysis)                 # Recompute the solution with the updated model

printPmuData(system, device, analysis)   # Print data related to PMUs

DC State Estimation

using JuliaGrid

system = powerSystem("case14.h5")        # Build the power system model
device = measurement("measurement14.h5") # Build the measurement model
dcModel!(system)                         # Create matrices and vectors for the DC model

analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device) # Build the state estimation model
solve!(system, analysis)                 # Compute estimate of voltage angles

residualTest!(system, device, analysis)  # Perform bad data analysis and remove outlier
solve!(system, analysis)                 # Recompute voltage angles with the updated model
