AC Power Flow

In this example, we perform several AC power flow analyses using the power system shown in Figure 1. These analyses simulate quasi-steady-state conditions where the system undergoes parameter and topology changes, demonstrating JuliaGrid's efficiency in handling such scenarios.

Figure 1: The 4-bus power system.


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We begin by defining the units for active and reactive powers, as well as voltage magnitudes and angles, which will be used throughout this example:

@power(MW, MVAr)
@voltage(pu, deg)

Next, we define the bus parameters for AC power flow analysis This includes specifying the type of each bus, the connected active and reactive power loads, and shunt capacitor banks with conductance and susceptance values. The bus voltage magnitude and angle serve as initial values for the iterative power flow algorithm. Note that for the slack bus (type = 3), the angle is fixed to the specified value. With these definitions, we can start to build the power system model:

system = powerSystem()

@bus(magnitude = 1.1, angle = -5.7)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 1", type = 3, angle = 0.0)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 2", type = 2, active = 20.2, reactive = 10.5)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 3", type = 1, conductance = 0.1, susceptance = 8.2)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 4", type = 1, active = 50.8, reactive = 23.1)

Next, we refine the transmission line parameters by adding resistance, reactance, and susceptance values. Additionally, for transformers, we specify the off-nominal turns ratio using the turnsRatio keyword:

@branch(label = "Branch ?", reactance = 0.22)
addBranch!(system; from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 3", resistance = 0.02, susceptance = 0.05)
addBranch!(system; from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 2", resistance = 0.05, susceptance = 0.04)
addBranch!(system; from = "Bus 2", to = "Bus 3", resistance = 0.04, susceptance = 0.04)
addBranch!(system; from = "Bus 3", to = "Bus 4", turnsRatio = 0.98)

Finally, we define the active and reactive power outputs of the generators and set the voltage magnitude setpoints. These setpoints fix the voltage magnitudes for the slack bus (type = 3) and generator buses (type = 2):

@generator(label = "Generator ?")
addGenerator!(system; bus = "Bus 1", active = 60.1, reactive = 40.2,  magnitude = 0.98)
addGenerator!(system; bus = "Bus 2", active = 18.2, magnitude = 1.01)

After defining the power system data, we generate an AC model that includes essential vectors and matrices for analysis, such as the nodal admittance matrix. This model is automatically updated with data changes and can be shared across different analyses:


AC Power Flow Analysis Wrapper Function

Throughout the simulations below, AC power flow is run multiple times. To avoid repeatedly calling multiple JuliaGrid built-in functions, we define a wrapper function that performs the AC power flow analysis, allowing us to call a single function each time. This wrapper function computes bus voltage magnitudes and angles. Once the algorithm converges, it then calculates the powers at buses, branches, and generators:

function acPowerFlow!(system::PowerSystem, analysis::ACPowerFlow)
    for iteration = 1:20
        stopping = mismatch!(system, analysis)
        if all(stopping .< 1e-8)
            println("The algorithm converged in $(iteration - 1) iterations.")
        solve!(system, analysis)
    power!(system, analysis)

Display Data Settings

Before running simulations, we configure the data display settings, including the selection of displayed data elements and the numeric format for relevant power flow values.

For bus-related data, we set:

show1 = Dict("Power Injection" => false)
fmt1 = Dict("Power Generation" => "%.2f", "Power Demand" => "%.2f", "Shunt Power" => "%.2f")

Similarly, for branch-related data, we choose:

show2 = Dict("Shunt Power" => false, "Status" => false)
fmt2 = Dict("From-Bus Power" => "%.2f", "To-Bus Power" => "%.2f", "Series Power" => "%.2f")

Base Case Analysis

At the start, we use the fast Newton-Raphson XB method to solve the AC power flow:

fnr = fastNewtonRaphsonXB(system)

Next, we run the iterative algorithm to calculate bus voltages and active and reactive powers:

acPowerFlow!(system, fnr)
The algorithm converged in 9 iterations.

Once the AC power flow is solved, we can analyze the results related to the buses. For instance:

printBusData(system, fnr; show = show1, fmt = fmt1)
| Bus Data                                                                                 |
| Label |       Voltage        | Power Generation  |   Power Demand    |    Shunt Power    |
|       |                      |                   |                   |                   |
|   Bus | Magnitude |    Angle | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive |
|       |      [pu] |    [deg] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |
| Bus 1 |    0.9800 |   0.0000 |  53.73 |   -16.12 |   0.00 |     0.00 |   0.00 |    -0.00 |
| Bus 2 |    1.0100 |  -2.8924 |  18.20 |    43.22 |  20.20 |    10.50 |   0.00 |    -0.00 |
| Bus 3 |    0.9641 |  -4.5972 |   0.00 |     0.00 |   0.00 |     0.00 |   0.09 |    -7.62 |
| Bus 4 |    0.9211 | -11.6813 |   0.00 |     0.00 |  50.80 |    23.10 |   0.00 |    -0.00 |

Similarly, the results for branches are:

printBranchData(system, fnr; show = show2, fmt = fmt2)
| Branch Data                                                                              |
|            Label             |  From-Bus Power   |   To-Bus Power    |   Series Power    |
|                              |                   |                   |                   |
|   Branch | From-Bus | To-Bus | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive |
|          |          |        |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |
| Branch 1 | Bus 1    | Bus 3  |  34.90 |     2.87 | -34.64 |    -4.74 |   0.26 |     2.85 |
| Branch 2 | Bus 1    | Bus 2  |  18.82 |   -18.99 | -18.49 |    16.51 |   0.34 |     1.48 |
| Branch 3 | Bus 2    | Bus 3  |  16.49 |    16.21 | -16.25 |   -18.81 |   0.24 |     1.30 |
| Branch 4 | Bus 3    | Bus 4  |  50.80 |    31.17 | -50.80 |   -23.10 |   0.00 |     8.07 |

Thus, using bus and branch data, we obtained the active and reactive power flows, as illustrated in Figure 2.

(a) Active powers.

(b) Reactive powers.

Figure 2: Power flows in the 4-bus power system for the base case scenario.


Additionally, the branch data shows the series power losses, which result from the series resistance and reactance of each branch. Note that the active power at the from-bus and to-bus ends of a branch differs by the active power loss. However, this does not apply to reactive power, as branch susceptances provide partial compensation.

Modifying Supplies and Demands

We will modify the active and reactive power outputs of the generators, as well as the active and reactive powers demanded by consumers. Instead of creating a new power system model or just updating the existing one, we will update both the power system model and the fast Newton-Raphson model simultaneously:

updateBus!(system, fnr; label = "Bus 2", active = 25.5, reactive = 15.0)
updateBus!(system, fnr; label = "Bus 4", active = 42.0, reactive = 20.0)

updateGenerator!(system, fnr; label = "Generator 1", active = 58.0, reactive = 20.0)
updateGenerator!(system, fnr; label = "Generator 2", active = 23.1, reactive = 20.0)

Next, we run the AC power flow again to compute the new state of the power system, without having to recreate the fast Newton-Raphson model. Additionally, this step will start the fast Newton-Raphson method with a warm start, as the initial voltage magnitudes and angles will correspond to the solution from the base case analysis:

acPowerFlow!(system, fnr)
The algorithm converged in 8 iterations.

Since no power system changes were introduced that affect the Jacobian matrices, JuliaGrid reuses the Jacobian matrix factorizations from the base case analysis, significantly reducing computational complexity.

Finally, we can display the relevant data:

printBranchData(system, fnr; show = show2, fmt = fmt2)
| Branch Data                                                                              |
|            Label             |  From-Bus Power   |   To-Bus Power    |   Series Power    |
|                              |                   |                   |                   |
|   Branch | From-Bus | To-Bus | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive |
|          |          |        |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |
| Branch 1 | Bus 1    | Bus 3  |  29.23 |    -0.96 | -29.05 |    -1.85 |   0.18 |     1.96 |
| Branch 2 | Bus 1    | Bus 2  |  15.87 |   -18.46 | -15.59 |    15.71 |   0.27 |     1.20 |
| Branch 3 | Bus 2    | Bus 3  |  13.19 |    12.67 | -13.04 |   -15.76 |   0.15 |     0.84 |
| Branch 4 | Bus 3    | Bus 4  |  42.00 |    25.37 | -42.00 |   -20.00 |   0.00 |     5.37 |

Compared to the base case, the directions of active power flows remain unchanged, but their magnitudes differ. For reactive power, the values change, and the flow at Branch 1 on the Bus 1 side reverses, as shown in Figure 3.

(a) Active powers.

(b) Reactive powers.

Figure 3: Power flows in the 4-bus power system with modified supplies and demands.

Modifying Network Topology

Next, we will take Branch 3 out of service. Although we could update the power system model and the fast Newton-Raphson method simultaneously, to demonstrate flexibility, we will solve this scenario using the Newton-Raphson method. As a result, we will only update the power system model:

updateBranch!(system; label = "Branch 3", status = 0)

Now, let us define the Newton-Raphson model:

nr = newtonRaphson(system)

When the model is created, we also initialize the Newton-Raphson method, with the initial voltage magnitudes and angles corresponding to the values defined when the power system model was first created. If we want to use the results from the fast Newton-Raphson method and start the Newton-Raphson method with a warm start, we can transfer the voltage magnitudes and angles:

setInitialPoint!(fnr, nr)

Now, we can solve the AC power flow for this scenario:

acPowerFlow!(system, nr)
The algorithm converged in 3 iterations.

To display how the power flows are distributed when one branch is out of service, we use the following:

printBranchData(system, nr; show = show2, fmt = fmt2)
| Branch Data                                                                              |
|            Label             |  From-Bus Power   |   To-Bus Power    |   Series Power    |
|                              |                   |                   |                   |
|   Branch | From-Bus | To-Bus | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive | Active | Reactive |
|          |          |        |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |   [MW] |   [MVAr] |
| Branch 1 | Bus 1    | Bus 3  |  42.56 |    19.70 | -42.09 |   -18.98 |   0.48 |     5.27 |
| Branch 2 | Bus 1    | Bus 2  |   2.50 |   -15.82 |  -2.40 |    12.31 |   0.10 |     0.46 |
| Branch 3 | Bus 2    | Bus 3  |   0.00 |     0.00 |   0.00 |     0.00 |   0.00 |     0.00 |
| Branch 4 | Bus 3    | Bus 4  |  42.00 |    26.01 | -42.00 |   -20.00 |   0.00 |     6.01 |

Compared to the previous cases, we observe that the reactive power flow at Branch 1 on the Bus 1 side reverses direction due to the outage of Branch 3, as shown in Figure 4.

(a) Active powers.

(b) Reactive powers.

Figure 4: Power flows in the 4-bus power system with modified network topology.