Power System Datasets

The table below showcases a range of widely used power system datasets that users can leverage for analysis. These datasets vary in size and complexity, providing flexibility for different applications. For instructions on how to load these models into JuliaGrid, please refer to the Build Model section of the manual.

Power SystemBusesBranchesGeneratorsDownload Links
IEEE 14-bus test case14205[hdf5] [matpower] [built-in]
IEEE 30-bus test case30416[hdf5] [matpower] [built-in]
IEEE 118-bus test case11818654[hdf5] [matpower]
IEEE 300-bus test case30041169[hdf5] [matpower]
Part of the European transmission network13541991260[hdf5]
French transmission network19512596392[hdf5]
Synthetic US WECC model10000127062485[hdf5]
Synthetic US NE/Mid-Atlantic model25000322304834[hdf5]
Synthetic Eastern US model700008820710390[hdf5]
Synthetic US model8200010412113419[hdf5]

Once users have established a power system model, they can proceed with the various types of analyses offered by JuliaGrid. While these power systems contain a comprehensive data structure for different analyses, only specific parameters are needed for certain types of analysis. For details on power system parameters, users should refer to the API documentation for the functions addBus!, addBranch!, addGenerator!, and cost!.