DC State Estimation
To perform the DC state estimation, we first need to have the PowerSystem
type that has been created with the DC model, alongside the Measurement
type that retains measurement data. Subsequently, we can formulate either the weighted least-squares (WLS) or the least absolute value (LAV) DC state estimation model encapsulated within the type DCStateEstimation
To obtain bus voltage angles and solve the DC state estimation problem, users can use the wrapper function:
After solving the DC state estimation, JuliaGrid provides function for computing powers:
Alternatively, instead of using functions responsible for solving state estimation and computing powers, users can use the wrapper function:
Users can also access specialized functions for computing specific types of powers for individual buses, branches, or generators within the power system.
After obtaining the bus voltage angles, when the user employs the WLS model, they can check if the measurement set contains outliers through bad data analysis and remove those measurements using:
Bus Type Modification
Just like in the Bus Type Modification section, when establishing the DCStateEstimation
type, the initially assigned slack bus is evaluated and may be altered. If the designated slack bus (type = 3
) lacks a connected in-service generator, it will be changed to a demand bus (type = 1
). Conversely, the first generator bus (type = 2
) with an active in-service generator linked to it will be reassigned as the new slack bus (type = 3
Weighted Least-Squares Estimator
To solve the DC state estimation and derive WLS estimates using JuliaGrid, the process initiates by defining PowerSystem
and Measurement
types. Here is an illustrative example:
system = powerSystem()
device = measurement()
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 1", type = 3)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 2", type = 1, active = 0.2)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 3", type = 1, active = 0.4)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 1", from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 2", reactance = 0.5)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 2", from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 3", reactance = 0.2)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 3", from = "Bus 2", to = "Bus 3", reactance = 0.3)
addGenerator!(system; label = "Generator 1", bus = "Bus 1", active = 3.2)
@wattmeter(label = "Wattmeter ?")
addWattmeter!(system, device; bus = "Bus 1", active = 0.6, variance = 1e-3)
addWattmeter!(system, device; bus = "Bus 3", active = -0.4, variance = 1e-2)
addWattmeter!(system, device; from = "Branch 1", active = 0.18, variance = 1e-4)
addWattmeter!(system, device; to = "Branch 2", active = -0.42, variance = 1e-4)
The dcStateEstimation
function serves to establish the DC state estimation problem:
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device)
Here, the user triggers LU factorization as the default method for solving the DC state estimation problem. However, the user also has the option to select alternative factorization methods such as LDLt
or QR
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device, LDLt)
To obtain the bus voltage angles, the solve!
function can be invoked as shown:
solve!(system, analysis)
Upon obtaining the solution, access the bus voltage angles using:
julia> print(system.bus.label, analysis.voltage.angle)
Bus 1: 0.0 Bus 2: -0.09000000000000001 Bus 3: -0.08399999999999999
We recommend that readers refer to the tutorial on DC State Estimation for insights into the implementation.
Alternative Formulation
The resolution of the WLS state estimation problem using the conventional method typically progresses smoothly. However, it is widely acknowledged that in certain situations common to real-world systems, this method can be vulnerable to numerical instabilities. Such conditions might impede the algorithm from finding a satisfactory solution. In such cases, users may opt for an alternative formulation of the WLS state estimation, namely, employing an approach called orthogonal factorization [5, Sec. 3.2].
Specifically, by specifying the Orthogonal
argument in the dcStateEstimation
function, JuliaGrid implements a more robust approach to obtain the WLS estimator, which proves particularly beneficial when substantial differences exist among measurement variances:
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device, Orthogonal)
solve!(system, analysis)
Print Results in the REPL
Users have the option to print the results in the REPL using any units that have been configured, such as:
@voltage(pu, deg)
printBusData(system, analysis)
| Bus Data |
| Label | Voltage |
| | |
| Bus | Angle |
| | [deg] |
| Bus 1 | 0.0000 |
| Bus 2 | -5.1566 |
| Bus 3 | -4.8128 |
Next, users can easily customize the print results for specific buses, for example:
printBusData(system, analysis; label = "Bus 1", header = true)
printBusData(system, analysis; label = "Bus 2")
printBusData(system, analysis; label = "Bus 3", footer = true)
Save Results to a File
Users can also redirect print output to a file. For example, data can be saved in a text file as follows:
open("bus.txt", "w") do file
printBusData(system, analysis, file)
We also provide functions to print state estimation results, such as estimated values and residuals. For more details, users can consult the Power Analysis section of this manual.
Bad Data Processing
After acquiring the WLS solution using the solve!
function, users can conduct bad data analysis employing the largest normalized residual test. Continuing with our defined power system and measurement set, let us introduce a new wattmeter. Upon proceeding to find the solution for this updated state:
addWattmeter!(system, device; from = "Branch 2", active = 4.1, variance = 1e-4)
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device)
solve!(system, analysis)
Following the solution acquisition, we can verify the presence of erroneous data. Detection of such data is determined by the threshold
keyword. If the largest normalized residual's value exceeds the threshold, the measurement will be identified as bad data and consequently removed from the DC state estimation model:
outlier = residualTest!(system, device, analysis; threshold = 4.0)
Users can examine the data obtained from the bad data analysis:
julia> outlier.detect
julia> outlier.maxNormalizedResidual
julia> outlier.label
"Wattmeter 5"
Hence, upon detecting bad data, the detect
variable will hold true
. The maxNormalizedResidual
variable retains the value of the largest normalized residual, while the label
contains the label of the measurement identified as bad data. JuliaGrid will mark the respective measurements as out-of-service within the Measurement
Moreover, JuliaGrid will adjust the coefficient matrix and mean vector within the DCStateEstimation
type based on measurements now designated as out-of-service. To optimize the algorithm's efficiency, JuliaGrid resets non-zero elements to zero in the coefficient matrix and mean vector, effectively removing the impact of the corresponding measurement on the solution:
julia> analysis.method.mean
5-element Vector{Float64}: 0.6 -0.4 0.18 -0.42 0.0
julia> analysis.method.coefficient
5×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 12 stored entries: 7.0 -2.0 -5.0 -5.0 -3.33333 8.33333 2.0 -2.0 ⋅ -5.0 ⋅ 5.0 0.0 ⋅ 0.0
Hence, after removing bad data, a new estimate can be computed without considering this specific measurement:
solve!(system, analysis)
Readers can refer to the Bad Data Processing tutorial for implementation insights.
Least Absolute Value Estimator
The LAV method presents an alternative estimation technique known for its increased robustness compared to WLS. While the WLS method relies on specific assumptions regarding measurement errors, robust estimators like LAV are designed to maintain unbiasedness even in the presence of various types of measurement errors and outliers. This characteristic often eliminates the need for extensive bad data processing procedures [5, Ch. 6]. However, it is important to note that achieving robustness typically involves increased computational complexity.
To obtain an LAV estimator, users need to employ one of the solvers listed in the JuMP documentation. In many common scenarios, the Ipopt solver proves sufficient to obtain a solution:
using Ipopt
analysis = dcLavStateEstimation(system, device, Ipopt.Optimizer; verbose = 1)
Setup Initial Primal Values
In JuliaGrid, the assignment of initial primal values for optimization variables takes place when the solve!
function is executed. Initial primal values are determined based on the voltage
fields within the DCStateEstimation
type. By default, these values are initially established using the initial bus voltage angles from PowerSystem
julia> print(system.bus.label, analysis.voltage.angle)
Bus 1: 0.0 Bus 2: 0.0 Bus 3: 0.0
Users have the flexibility to customize these values according to their requirements, and they will be utilized as the initial primal values when executing the solve!
To solve the formulated LAV state estimation model, simply execute the following function:
solve!(system, analysis)
EXIT: The optimal solution was found.
Upon obtaining the solution, access the bus voltage angles using:
julia> print(system.bus.label, analysis.voltage.angle)
Bus 1: 0.0 Bus 2: -0.08999999999956487 Bus 3: -0.08399999999987212
Readers can refer to the Least Absolute Value Estimation tutorial for implementation insights.
Measurement Set Update
After establishing the Measurement
type using the measurement
function, users gain the capability to incorporate new measurement devices or update existing ones.
Once updates are completed, users can seamlessly progress towards generating the DCStateEstimation
type using the dcStateEstimation
or dcLavStateEstimation
function. Ultimately, resolving the DC state estimation is achieved through the utilization of the solve!
system = powerSystem()
device = measurement() # <- Initialize the Measurement instance
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 1", type = 3)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 2", type = 1, active = 0.1)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 1", from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 2", reactance = 0.5)
addGenerator!(system; label = "Generator 1", bus = "Bus 1", active = 0.1)
@wattmeter(label = "Wattmeter ?")
addWattmeter!(system, device; bus = "Bus 2", active = -0.11, variance = 1e-3)
addWattmeter!(system, device; from = "Branch 1", active = 0.09, variance = 1e-4)
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device) # <- Build DCStateEstimation for the model
solve!(system, analysis)
addWattmeter!(system, device; to = "Branch 1", active = -0.12, variance = 1e-4)
updateWattmeter!(system, device; label = "Wattmeter 1", status = 0)
updateWattmeter!(system, device; label = "Wattmeter 2", active = 0.1, noise = false)
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device) # <- Build DCStateEstimation for new model
solve!(system, analysis)
This concept removes the need to restart and recreate the Measurement
type from the beginning when implementing changes to the existing measurement set.
State Estimation Update
An advanced methodology involves users establishing the DCStateEstimation
type using dcStateEstimation
or dcLavStateEstimation
just once. After this initial setup, users can seamlessly modify existing measurement devices without the need to recreate the DCStateEstimation
This advancement extends beyond the previous scenario where recreating the Measurement
type was unnecessary, to now include the scenario where DCStateEstimation
also does not need to be recreated. Such efficiency can be particularly advantageous in cases where JuliaGrid can reuse gain matrix factorization.
The addition of new measurements after the creation of DCStateEstimation
is not practical in terms of reusing this type. Instead, we recommend that users create a final set of measurements and then utilize update functions to manage devices, either putting them in-service or out-of-service throughout the process.
We can modify the prior example to achieve the same model without establishing DCStateEstimation
system = powerSystem()
device = measurement() # <- Initialize the Measurement instance
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 1", type = 3)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 2", type = 1, active = 0.1)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 1", from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 2", reactance = 0.5)
addGenerator!(system; label = "Generator 1", bus = "Bus 1", active = 0.1)
@wattmeter(label = "Wattmeter ?")
addWattmeter!(system, device; bus = "Bus 2", active = -0.11, variance = 1e-3)
addWattmeter!(system, device; from = "Branch 1", active = 0.09, variance = 1e-4)
addWattmeter!(system, device; to = "Branch 1", active = -0.12, variance = 1e-4, status = 0)
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device) # <- Build DCStateEstimation for the model
solve!(system, analysis)
updateWattmeter!(system, device, analysis; label = "Wattmeter 1", status = 0)
updateWattmeter!(system, device, analysis; label = "Wattmeter 2", active = 0.1)
updateWattmeter!(system, device, analysis; label = "Wattmeter 3", status = 1, noise = false)
# <- No need for re-build; we have already updated the existing DCStateEstimation instance
solve!(system, analysis)
This concept removes the need to rebuild both the Measurement
and the DCStateEstimation
from the beginning when implementing changes to the existing measurement set. In the scenario of employing the WLS model, JuliaGrid can reuse the symbolic factorizations of LU or LDLt, provided that the nonzero pattern of the gain matrix remains unchanged.
Reusing Weighted Least-Squares Matrix Factorization
Drawing from the preceding example, our focus now shifts to finding a solution involving modifications that entail adjusting the measurement value of the Wattmeter 2
. It is important to note that these adjustments do not impact the variance or status of the measurement device, which can affect the gain matrix. To resolve this updated system, users can simply execute the solve!
updateWattmeter!(system, device, analysis; label = "Wattmeter 2", active = 0.091)
solve!(system, analysis)
In this scenario, JuliaGrid will recognize instances where the user has not modified parameters that impact the gain matrix. Consequently, JuliaGrid will leverage the previously performed gain matrix factorization, resulting in a significantly faster solution compared to recomputing the factorization.
Power Analysis
After obtaining the solution from the DC state estimation, calculating powers related to buses and branches is facilitated by using the power!
function. For instance, let us consider the model for which we obtained the DC state estimation solution:
system = powerSystem()
device = measurement()
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 1", type = 3, conductance = 1e-3)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 2", type = 1, active = 0.2)
addBus!(system; label = "Bus 3", type = 1, active = 0.4)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 1", from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 2", reactance = 0.5)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 2", from = "Bus 1", to = "Bus 3", reactance = 0.2)
addBranch!(system; label = "Branch 3", from = "Bus 2", to = "Bus 3", reactance = 0.3)
addGenerator!(system; label = "Generator 1", bus = "Bus 1", active = 3.2)
addWattmeter!(system, device; bus = "Bus 1", active = 0.6, variance = 1e-3)
addWattmeter!(system, device; bus = "Bus 3", active = -0.4, variance = 1e-2)
addWattmeter!(system, device; from = "Branch 1", active = 0.18, variance = 1e-4)
addWattmeter!(system, device; to = "Branch 2", active = -0.42, variance = 1e-4)
analysis = dcStateEstimation(system, device)
solve!(system, analysis)
We can compute active powers using the following function:
power!(system, analysis)
For example, active power injections corresponding to buses are:
julia> print(system.bus.label, analysis.power.injection.active)
Bus 1: 0.6008333333333332 Bus 2: -0.19983333333333342 Bus 3: -0.4
To better understand the powers associated with buses, and branches that are calculated by the power!
function, we suggest referring to the tutorials on.
Print Results in the REPL
Users can utilize any of the print functions outlined in the Print API related to the DC analysis. For example, to print state estimation data related to wattmeters, we can use:
@power(MW, pu)
printWattmeterData(system, device, analysis)
| Wattmeter Data |
| Label | Active Power |
| | |
| | Measurement | Variance | Estimate | Residual | Status |
| | [MW] | [MW] | [MW] | [MW] | |
| 1 | 60.0000 | 1.00e-01 | 60.0833 | -0.0833 | 1 |
| 2 | -40.0000 | 1.00e+00 | -40.0000 | 0.0000 | 1 |
| 3 | 18.0000 | 1.00e-02 | 17.9917 | 0.0083 | 1 |
| 4 | -42.0000 | 1.00e-02 | -41.9917 | -0.0083 | 1 |
Save Results to a CSV File
For CSV output, users should first generate a simple table with style = false
, and then save it to a CSV file:
using CSV
io = IOBuffer()
printWattmeterData(system, device, analysis, io; style = false)
CSV.write("bus.csv", CSV.File(take!(io); delim = "|"))
Active Power Injection
To calculate active power injection associated with a specific bus, the function can be used:
julia> active = injectionPower(system, analysis; label = "Bus 1")
Active Power Injection from Generators
To calculate active power injection from the generators at a specific bus, the function can be used:
julia> active = supplyPower(system, analysis; label = "Bus 1")
Active Power Flow
Similarly, we can compute the active power flow at both the from-bus and to-bus ends of the specific branch by utilizing the provided functions below:
julia> active = fromPower(system, analysis; label = "Branch 1")
julia> active = toPower(system, analysis; label = "Branch 1")