DC Power Flow

JuliaGrid employs standard network components and the Unified Branch Model to obtain the DC power flow solution. To begin, let us generate the PowerSystem type, as illustrated by the following example:

@config(label = Integer)
@power(MW, MVAr)
@voltage(pu, deg)

system = powerSystem()

addBus!(system; label = 1, type = 3)
addBus!(system; label = 2, type = 1, active = 21.7)
addBus!(system; label = 3, type = 2, conductance = 0.07)

addBranch!(system; from = 1, to = 2, reactance = 0.26)
addBranch!(system; from = 1, to = 3, reactance = 0.38)
addBranch!(system; from = 2, to = 3, reactance = 0.17, turnsRatio = 0.97)

addGenerator!(system; bus = 1, active = 2.0)
addGenerator!(system; bus = 1, active = 4.0)
addGenerator!(system; bus = 3, active = 5.0)

To review, we can conceptualize the bus/branch model as the graph denoted by $\mathcal G = (\mathcal N, \mathcal E)$, where we have the set of buses $\mathcal N = \{1, \dots, n\}$, and the set of branches $\mathcal E \subseteq \mathcal N \times \mathcal N$ within the power system:

julia> 𝒩 = collect(keys(system.bus.label))3-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> ℰ = [𝒩[system.branch.layout.from] 𝒩[system.branch.layout.to]]3×2 Matrix{Int64}: 1 2 1 3 2 3


In this section, when referring to a vector $\mathbf a$, we use the notation $\mathbf a = [a_{i}]$ or $\mathbf a = [a_{ij}]$, where $a_i$ represents the element associated with bus $i \in \mathcal N$, and $a_{ij}$ represents the element associated with branch $(i,j) \in \mathcal E$.

Power Flow Solution

As discussed in section DC Model, the DC power flow problem can be represented by a set of linear equations:

\[ \mathbf P = \mathbf B \bm \Theta + \mathbf{P}_\mathrm{tr} + \mathbf{P}_\mathrm{sh}.\]


JuliaGrid offers a set of functions to solve the DC power flow problem and obtain the bus voltage angles. Firstly, the power system is loaded and the DC model is built using the following code sequence:


The DC power flow solution is obtained through a non-iterative approach by solving the system of linear equations:

\[ \bm \Theta = \mathbf{B}^{-1}(\mathbf P - \mathbf{P}_\mathrm{tr} - \mathbf{P}_\mathrm{sh}).\]

JuliaGrid begins the process by establishing the DC power flow framework:

analysis = dcPowerFlow(system)

The subsequent step involves performing the LU factorization of the nodal matrix $\mathbf B = \mathbf L \mathbf U$ and computing the bus voltage angles using:

solve!(system, analysis)

By default, JuliaGrid utilizes LU factorization as the primary method to factorize the nodal matrix. However, users maintain the flexibility to opt for alternative factorization methods such as LDLt or QR.

The factorization of the nodal matrix can be accessed using:

julia> 𝐋 = analysis.method.factorization.L3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
 1.0    ⋅         ⋅
  ⋅    1.0        ⋅
  ⋅   -0.662261  1.0
julia> 𝐔 = analysis.method.factorization.U3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries: 1.0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0.620383 -0.379617 ⋅ ⋅ 0.337739

It is important to note that the slack bus voltage angle is excluded from the vector $\bm \Theta$ only during the computation step. Consequently, the corresponding elements in the vectors $\mathbf P$, $\mathbf{P}_\mathrm{tr}$, $\mathbf{P}_\mathrm{sh}$, and the corresponding row and column of the matrix $\mathbf B$ are removed. It is worth mentioning that this process is handled internally, and the stored elements remain unchanged.

Finally, the resulting bus voltage angles are saved in the vector as follows:

julia> 𝚯 = analysis.voltage.angle3-element Vector{Float64}:

Power Analysis

After obtaining the solution from the DC power flow, we can calculate powers related to buses, branches, and generators using the power! function:

power!(system, analysis)

For a clear comprehension of the equations, symbols provided below, as well as for a better grasp of power directions, please refer to the Unified Branch Model.

Power Injections

Active power injections are stored as the vector $\mathbf P = [P_i]$, and can be retrieved using the following commands:

julia> 𝐏 = analysis.power.injection.active3-element Vector{Float64}:

Generator Power Injections

The active power supplied by generators to the buses can be calculated by summing the given generator active powers in the input data, except for the slack bus, which can be determined as:

\[ P_{\mathrm{p}i} = P_i + P_{\mathrm{d}i},\;\;\; i \in \mathcal{N}_\mathrm{sb},\]

where $P_{\mathrm{d}i}$ represents the active power demanded by consumers at the slack bus. The vector of active powers injected by generators into the buses, denoted by $\mathbf{P}_\mathrm{p} = [P_{\mathrm{p}i}]$, can be obtained using the following command:

julia> 𝐏ₚ = analysis.power.supply.active3-element Vector{Float64}:

Power Flows

The resulting from-bus active power flows are stored as the vector $\mathbf{P}_\mathrm{i} = [P_{ij}]$, which can be retrieved using:

julia> 𝐏ᵢ = analysis.power.from.active3-element Vector{Float64}:

Similarly, the resulting to-bus active power flows are stored as the vector $\mathbf{P}_\mathrm{j} = [P_{ji}]$, which can be retrieved using:

julia> 𝐏ⱼ = analysis.power.to.active3-element Vector{Float64}:

Generators Power Outputs

The output active power of each generator located at bus $i \in \mathcal{N}_\mathrm{pv} \cup \mathcal{N}_\mathrm{pq}$ is equal to the active power specified in the input data. If there are multiple generators, their output active powers are also equal to the active powers specified in the input data. However, the output active power of a generator located at the slack bus will be:

\[ P_{\mathrm{g}i} = P_i + P_{\mathrm{d}i}, \;\;\; i \in \mathcal{N}_\mathrm{sb}.\]

In the case of multiple generators connected to the slack bus, the first generator in the input data is assigned the obtained value of $P_{\mathrm{g}i}$. Then, this amount of power is reduced by the output active power of the other generators.

To retrieve the vector of active power outputs of generators, denoted as $\mathbf{P}_\mathrm{g} = [P_{\mathrm{g}i}]$, $i \in \mathcal S$, where the set $\mathcal S$ represents the set of generators, users can utilize the following command:

julia> 𝐏ₒ = analysis.power.generator.active3-element Vector{Float64}: